Comment history with karmakiller
Displaying 281 - 300 of 308 comments
That's more like it.
I'm not rodomontading in my recurring consuetude of pedantic rhetoric. BLARGH WAFFLES. SNORT.
Well, I can call you ugly if you'd like? ;)
My comments aren't anything special, yet you read them. Stop showing off and using big words. I am from the ghetto, y'know? I can't pronounce those words. I haven't gotten to that level of hooked on phonics yet.
I like being ugly. Being hot is insulting.
A comment must at least delineate the formulaic equation for primordial nucleosynthesis in secret code (reading every third letter, looking at it in a mirror, holding it above a toaster so the invisible ink is viewable, etc.) in order to be satisfactory.
"Hot" is a compliment. I'm sorry that I am not as intelligent as you are and use cliche words. I'm just so over taken by the hotness factor that I can't think of anything exceptional to type.
You should really lower your comment standards.
"Hot" is a grave insult, but since I've known you for so long, I'll let it slide.
That's hot. I would offer to help you, but I think you can handle it yourself, lol.
My keyboard may be tapped, so I don't want anyone identifying your name through the sequence of my keystrokes. I'm a wanted man.
Ouch, that hurt. I have a name y'know. Excuse me while I go away and sulk in my own self pity.
I believe my page now exceeds the FDA's daily recommended percentage value for karmakiller.
Psh, you know I am too awesome not to not comment me. Huh? Yeah.
Well, I'll make sure not to comment back, so you have nothing to respond to.
Ahhh, little yellow people.
Wow, that sounded racist. *ahem* This is going in the wrong direction.
One more comment and I OWN your page. Boooyah.
I'm allergic to emoticons, which is why I never use them. =P ARGH, IT BURNS.
Wouldn't it be cool if the emotICONs would work. :eyebrows:
That doesn't sound normal. It just sounds like you have comment tourettes. Normal is overrated anyways.
Yeah, I do telepathy, too. Why is our conversation weird when everyone else is posting normal comments? I could be normal if I felt like it. "Hello, how are you? MONSTER TRUCKS VROOOOOSSSHHHMMMMMM."
But it's too windy here. Pigeons would blow away. Howsabout brain waves. That would be cool. Read people's minds.
Okay, everybody stop commenting here because you're all pushing my posts down. Contact her through carrier pigeon or something.
Okay, well maybe you shouldn't be so contradictory (is that even a word?)
I'm going to go to FL and play with the aligators.