Comment history with karmakiller
Displaying 1 - 20 of 308 comments
Inevitably it seems we always end up getting reconnected on Fridays.
Why you ignoring me? You know you want to talk to me. Do it. Doooo it.
I think you have a lot more to say than you give yourself credit for. In fact, based on that night, I know so.
Oh, hello. Here is one of these things, but I don't have anything to say because I already used up everything I could have said last night. Sooo... carry on. There's nothing to read here.
Wow. That was rude of me. My computer crashed, just so you know.
You must forgive the impromptness of my response. I've been feeling under the weather.
I use Digsby, which is every messenger under the sun and then some. Whatever you have, there is no escape from me.
Do you use AIM? I never do and people yell at me to use it.
Aw, how nice of you :)
P.S. That photo evokes a lot of EMOtion.
P.P.S. This has nothing to do with the previous PS, but you need to comment me more.
Well, it's a good thing I leave you such uninteresting comments, then. Besides if anyone says anything bad I'll beat them up. True story.
Some fools on another forum were talking about my SyMpace and your comments on it got dragged into the mix.
Continue to associate with me at your own peril.
I don't like this whole ignoring Dee for 2 weeks thing. Oh, wait... it's only been 2 weeks? I guess I'll come back later to complain.